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Chirality-Induced Spin Polarization over Macroscopic Distances in Chiral Disilic
  • Chirality-Induced Spin Polarization over Macroscopic Distances in Chiral Disilic

    A spin-polarized state is examined under charge current at room temperature without magnetic fields in chiral disilicide crystals NbSi2 and TaSi2. We found that a long-range spin transport occurs over ten micrometers in these inorganic crystals. A distribution of crystalline grains of different handedness is obtained via location-sensitive electrical transport measurements. The sum rule holds in the conversion coefficient in the current-voltage characteristics. A diamagnetic nature of the crystals supports that the spin polarization is not due to localized electron spins but due to itinerant electron spins. A large difference in the strength of antisymmetric spin-orbit interaction associated with 4d electrons in Nb and 5d ones in Ta is oppositely correlated with that of the spin polarization. A robust protection of the spin polarization occurs
    over long distances in chiral crystals.

    ©2023 QuaRC, Institute for Molecular Science

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