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Chirality の量子論的理解に向けて

Towards a Quantum Understanding of Chirality


理論的アプローチ/Theoretical Approach



~ Describing the Nonlocality of Chirality in Quantum Mechanics ~

Chirality is an inherently nonlocal concept that cannot be described solely by information at a single point in space, making it challenging to address within the framework of quantum mechanics. At QuaRC, we aim to tackle the quantum mechanical expression of both static and dynamic chirality by employing micropolar theory (nonlocal elasticity theory), which is an extension of elasticity theory, and multipolar theory that integrates quantum mechanics with group theory.

実験的アプローチ/Experimental Approach



~ Dynamic Chirality and Angular Momentum ~

In chiral materials, the linear and rotational motions of electrons and vibrations are inherently coupled. At QuaRC, we are exploring how angular momentum, such as electron spin, orbital angular momentum, and phonon angular momentum, interacts with other forms of rotational and linear motions using various chiral materials.

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